My name is Antheo LE ROUZIC, I have stumbled upon peptides upon some web research about dietary supplements, which was sort of a hobby.
I soon became convinced about theses products, but encounters a lot of problems to obtains theses peptides.
I have found a very good and reliable furnisher, but they only provide big quantity, way more important for personal use.
I have began to buy important quantities, consume some then resell the remaining on eBay (where you can see my profile here : https://www.ebay.fr/fdbk/feedback_profile/so-pep), then Etsy (where you can see my profile here : https://www.etsy.com/shop/SoPep).
I have after that created my own company (in december 2022, SIREN N°947725644), and created a website to host the shop.


Have any questions? I am alway open to discussing your business, new projects, creative opportunities, and how I can help you.